Upon completed purchase you will be rewarded what's below.
This rank is permanent. It persists through resets.
- Platinum In-game title
- Payday increased to 1000.00 Shekels hourly
- x25 Quantum Keys (One-time)
- 100 Sethomes
- /enchant (Enchant your items)
- /repair (This repairs the item your holding)
- /ec (Allows you to use /enderchest)
- /craft (Allows you to use /workbench)
- /trash (Portable trashcan)
- /nick (Set custom name in-game)
- /fly ( Allows you to fly )
- /heal (This heals you to full health)
- /feed (This feeds you to full Hunger)
- PlatinumKey kit (48h Cooldown)
- 5x Quantum key